Monday, 13 October 2008


As V2V has been sending volunteers to Tanzania we would like to use this blog as part of sharing experience and stories from volunteers who have been in Tanzania. Through this blog volunteers will be able to let us know how their life in general was in the country. This may include their interaction with Tanzania community, their amazing moments, what did they learn from the country, what difficulties did they face and how did they go through it.

The planet earth is a global village where human being come together and share different ideas to make this planet the better place to live. Through sharing ideas, experience, knowledge and talent people learn from each other. As V2V we believe “together we can”.

As the animal giraffe, Tanzania is the very beautiful and peaceful country. Did you notice that beauty when you were in the country? Tell us your story.
Coming together as one regardless of your colour, tribe, gender, social and economic status will always help to bring solutions in our society.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what an idea mate. looking forward to hear a lot on what other people say about my country. keep it up mate